Meghan and Harry – their Royal Baby Astrology Chart.Īrchie is the Reincarnation of Princess Margaret For over 2000 years in astrology, this symbol has come to mean flight (the flying arrow) and also travel (the centaur’s hooves travel great distances). I don’t know if Meghan knew this when she and Harry were name-hunting, but Jupiter the lucky planet is most definitely in the sign of Sagittarius, traditionally shown ‘arching’ his bow, below. This little boy is a Sun Taurus, but he has a special role to play on the world stage, because Sagittarius the Archer is where we find fortunate Jupiter and powerful Ceres, right at the top of his horoscope. This astrological chart (below) shows a few asteroids you won’t normally see in a horoscope along with the all-important Ceres, which shows a future role for Harry and Meghan’s son as a man of the world, world traveler and born foreign diplomat for Great Britain – but also the United States – as he was born with the right to two passports… “Here we have a little world citizen born with Jupiter and Ceres in Sagittarius, the sign of the Archer. In fact, a future role as a ‘born’ foreign diplomat for Great Britain and the United States. When baby Archie arrived, it was possible to look at his horoscope back on 2nd May 2019 and predict a world-traveller. It’s amazing how the arrival of one small child can set his or her parents, on a different destiny path. Prediction (July 2017) House of Windsor = New Wars of the Roses by 2019.” How Archie Changed Harry and Meghan’s Destiny You have to wonder who will play Edward V or Henry Tudor on this journey.

This looks like a Royal flying the flag for new British trade deals around the world, but without belonging to a Royal Family. The Wars of the Roses originally ran from 1455 to 1485 and saw the the royal houses of Lancaster and York against each other. “In the new Leo cycles of 2017-2019 a complete split is possible between the male heirs in the United Kingdom with one male Royal breaking away by himself, in search of post-Brexit new horizons. THE NEW WARS OF THE ROSES – THE MALE WINDSORS Remember this astrology prediction for Harry? Now, we are seeing the astrology unfold. And remember, this was when many people were still saying Brexit would never happen. We can go as far back as 17th July 2017 to see how Prince Harry’s horoscope was clearly showing a new life after Brexit. This is a Megxit and as you’ll see in a moment, it was tied to Brexit – years ago! True Astrology Predictions for Meghan and Harry

The BBC was first to report the jaw-dropping news (their official image of the couple shown was taken after news of their engagement). This geographic balance will enable us to raise our son with an appreciation for the royal tradition into which he was born.” “We now plan to balance our time between the United Kingdom and North America, continuing to honour our duty to The Queen, the Commonwealth, and our patronages. With one simple message, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex just made an awful lot of astrology predictions come true, when they announced (on 8th-9th January 2020) the following: Meghan, Harry, Archie and North America in 2020